In this in-depth look at Enclosure Design, students will get hands-on designing a new space for an animal. After an introduction to the purpose of the modern zoo and the reason behind housing these animals, students will be introduced to the different things that need to be considered when designing an enclosure, including the different stakeholders involved, using one of the Zoo's existing enclosures as inspiration. In groups they will then design a new enclosure for a particular species which they will present to the rest of the group.
Please note, this workshop will take place outdoors near one of our enclosures. Please ensure that students wear appropriate clothing.
Age: KS3 (11 - 14 years old) | Duration: 45 minutes | Capacity: 35 students | Outdoor Session |

Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Discuss the role of the modern zoo
- Identify the animal needs in designing an enclosure.
- Identify the different stakeholders present in designing a new animal enclosure.
National Curriculum Links
KS3 Design & Technology | Design |
Evaluate |
Technical knowledge |