Inclusive teaching for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We aim to ensure that our education workshops are as inclusive as possible, and that they meet the diverse needs of all learners.

Our education team have experience working with groups of students with a diverse range of educational needs and are happy to speak with you and suggest workshops that can be adapted for the needs of your learners.  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to discuss which workshops would be the most appropriate for your students. If you provide a contact number and time in your email we will call you back. 

contact the education team

FREE Pre-visit digital call

All SEND classes booking a school trip to Whipsnade Zoo are eligible to book a FREE digital call with the education team if they think that it would benefit the students. These calls are to help you prepare your students for visiting an unfamiliar location. The calls will last up to 20 minutes and offer students the opportunity to virtually meet and speak with a member of the education team and see a small section of the zoo. They will be able to ask their own questions about the zoo and what will happen on the day of their visit. To book please contact the education team using the link below: 

Contact the Education Team

Whipsnade Zoo visual story

We have also developed a Visual Story to support students with autistic spectrum conditions, preparing them for their Zoo visit, and introducing them to some of the animals they might meet.

Accessibility Guide

Please click the link below to view a detailed accessibility guide for the site:

Detailed access guide Whipsnade Zoo

Booking information

  • To book a self-guided school visit, or to book an education session, please refer to our plan a school visit page, ensuring that you provide details of the needs of your students to enable us to adjust the session for the needs of your students if required. 
  • Please not that we offer Free entry for 1-to-1 staff supporting SEND students on school visits.
  • We now have a changing places toilet available for use by members of your group if required. 
  • Find out more about Accessibility at Whipsnade Zoo.