Watch adorable Asian elephant calf Elizabeth with the herd as they cool down on a sunny day in the sandpit.


Calf Elizabeth was born on 10 June 2016, just in time for the nation’s celebrations of HM The Queen’s official 90th birthday. At two months old, here she is playing with the other elephants and learning from them.  

Elizabeth is very inquisitive and loves to explore her surroundings. She is learning quickly by copying the behaviour from the rest of the herd and, like lots of children, she loves nothing more than spending a sunny day playing in the sandpit. 

Asian elephants are classified as Endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and recent estimates suggest that as few as 7000 are left in South-East Asia. By visiting the Zoo, you're helping to support our conservation work to protect them. 

Look out for our elephant herd in their Centre for Elephant Care when you next visit Whipsnade Zoo. 

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